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Thursday, September 19

8:00am MDT

Registration, Coffee, and Continental Breakfast
Thursday September 19, 2024 8:00am - 8:45am MDT
Thursday September 19, 2024 8:00am - 8:45am MDT
6th Floor Lobby 383 South S University St, Salt Lake City, UT 84112

8:45am MDT

Welcome & Opening Plenary
Thursday September 19, 2024 8:45am - 10:15am MDT
Thursday September 19, 2024 8:45am - 10:15am MDT
Moot Courtroom

10:15am MDT

Thursday September 19, 2024 10:15am - 10:30am MDT
Thursday September 19, 2024 10:15am - 10:30am MDT
6th Floor Lobby 383 South S University St, Salt Lake City, UT 84112

10:30am MDT

Nonlawyer Navigators in State Courts: An Update from the Field
Thursday September 19, 2024 10:30am - 11:45am MDT
One important approach to help solve the crisis of 30 million litigants in our state courts each year completely without legal help is the use of nonlawyer navigators who come from communities outside the courts to assist the self-represented with their civil legal matters.  A panel of experts who have studied, and or created and run court based /affiliated programs will discuss how nonlawyers who come from the community provide essential services to self-represented litigants on their civil legal matters,    including describing national trends in this burgeoning innovative arena as well as outlining best practices for launching and expanding these programs.  

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Mary McClymont

Senior Fellow, Georgetown Justice Lab
avatar for Stacey Weiler

Stacey Weiler

Director of Grants and Access to Justice Programs, Illinois Bar Foundation

Robert Southers

Director, Franklin County Municipal Court Self Help Center

Mary Ferwerda

JD, Chief Deputy Clerk of Circuit Court (Milwaukee County)
Thursday September 19, 2024 10:30am - 11:45am MDT
Moot Courtroom

10:30am MDT

Self-Help Platforms: Empowering People and Providing Baseline Access To Justice In Ohio And Illinois
Thursday September 19, 2024 10:30am - 11:45am MDT
Learn about a virtual court self-help portal project in Ohio from process mapping to document assembly to implementation and evaluation.  This new portal is designed to assist users to navigate to the appropriate content and court forms, provide step-by-step instructions and legal information, offer document assembly to allow litigants to prepare and file their own court forms, integrate the portal into the court’s navigation services center, and connect litigants to on-line and in-person assistance. The session will also highlight the transformative impact of statewide platforms like Illinois Court Help in promoting access to justice and optimizing resources. Illinois Court Help has improved self-representation, alleviated court staff burdens, and enhanced efficiency. Attendees will learn how these platforms support underserved communities and refine court processes for better accessibility.

Sign in here: https://forms.gle/uQ6xsZndnNNSt1AYA

avatar for Susan Choe

Susan Choe

Executive Director, Ohio Legal Help
Susan Choe is the Executive Director of Ohio Legal Help. Before her current role at Ohio Legal Help, she served as the Deputy Director & General Counsel at the Ohio Access to Justice Foundation where she managed the development of Ohio Legal Help starting in 2016. Ms. Choe has extensive... Read More →
avatar for Avani Patel

Avani Patel

Supervising Sr. Program Mngr, Illinois Court Help, Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts
Avani Patel is the Supervising Senior Manager of the Illinois Court Help Program at the Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts (AOIC) and a Project Specialist at the Institute for Inclusion in the Legal Profession (IILP). In her role at AOIC, she leads a team of court guides... Read More →
avatar for Anjanette Whitman

Anjanette Whitman

Navigation Services Director, Cuyahoga County Domestic Relations Court
ANJANETTE WHITMAN is the Director of the Cuyahoga County Domestic Relations Court Navigation Services Help Center. Ms. Whitman established the Help Center in 2017 to assist court visitors based on the Supreme Court of Ohio’s Task Force on Access to Justice recommendations. The Help... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 10:30am - 11:45am MDT
Room 6613 383 South S University St, Salt Lake City, UT 84112

10:30am MDT

Legal Aid Partners with the Courts: Three Approaches (CA, MI, VA)
Thursday September 19, 2024 10:30am - 11:45am MDT
Legal Aid programs are partnering with courts to address legal needs of self-represented litigants. Join us to learn different models implemented in California, Virginia and Michigan.

Sign in here: https://forms.gle/uQ6xsZndnNNSt1AYA
avatar for David Neumeyer

David Neumeyer

Executive Director, Virginia Legal Aid Society
Executive director of Virginia Legal Aid Society since 1990. Previously a chief attorney for Maryland Legal Aid, legal director for Food Research & Action Center, minority counsel for U.S. Senate Committee on Labor & Human Resources, Reginald Heber Smith Fellow at Rhode Island Legal... Read More →

Amy Disel Allman

Director of Advocacy, Virginia Legal Aid Society
VLAS Foreclosure Prevention & Consumer Protection ProjectACES Justice Project of the Virginia Legal Aid Community- Advocating for fair Credit, Employment Opportunities and safe affordable ShelterCARE- Campaign to Reduce Evictions
avatar for Bonnie Hough

Bonnie Hough

Consultant, Self Represented Litigation Network
courtsself helpaccess to justicetravel
avatar for Ana Maria Garcia

Ana Maria Garcia

Vice President of Access to Justice Intitiatives, Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles County
Ana Maria Garcia (she/her/hers) is a passionate advocate dedicated to creating solutions and expanding access to justice for all, particularly to underserved communities. Currently, she is the Vice President of Access to Justice Initiatives at NLSLA, serving as the liaison to the... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 10:30am - 11:45am MDT
Room 6500 383 South S University St, Salt Lake City, UT 84112

10:30am MDT

Tech Driven Capacity Building for Self-Help Clinics & Individual Services: California and Maryland
Thursday September 19, 2024 10:30am - 11:45am MDT
This session will provide case studies in expanding capacity of self-help programs using technology versus traditional in-person delivery. Bet Tzedek Legal Services (Los Angeles) has designed a dedicated platform for a self-help clinic program providing assistance in conservatorship. Hear what they learned about how to get started, the effectiveness of plain language principles in content creations, and results of UX testing with community partners and clinic users. While many self-help programs are exploring tech solutions, Public Counsel ( Los Angeles) has intentionally maintained an in- person, low-tech service delivery model for pro per services  with complex  guardianship proceedings for minors.  Learn how they continue to meet the litigant demand with low, tech, in-person contact model. In contrast, the Maryland Center for Legal Assistance has operated court self-help centers since 2017 and offers a Remote Services Center, providing legal advice to self-represented litigants via phone and online chat M-F from 8:30-8:00PM. In 2023 they had 94,175 phone consults and 20,828 chat consults. Learn what they’ve done to increase efficiency while ensuring their assistance is helpful. They will discuss how to leverage technology to maintain a high volume, brief advice, remote services operation by sharing some successful tech-based innovations, including a homegrown data entry application, link manager, and text/email functionality.

Sign in here: https://forms.gle/uQ6xsZndnNNSt1AYA

Ylianna Perez-Guerrero

Senior Supervising Staff Attorney, Public Counsel
avatar for Isabela Garcia

Isabela Garcia

Virtual Services Paralegal, Bet Tzedek
avatar for Lindsay Bramble

Lindsay Bramble

Deputy Director for Remote Services, Maryland Center for Legal Assistance
Lindsay is the Deputy Director for Remote Services at the Maryland Center for Legal Assistance. In this role, she oversees the Maryland Court Help Center Remote Services Center where she and her staff provide brief advice to self-represented litigants via phone, online chat, and video... Read More →

Bertha Hayden

Directing Attorney, Bet Tzedek Legal Services
Thursday September 19, 2024 10:30am - 11:45am MDT
Room 6623 383 South S University St, Salt Lake City, UT 84112

10:30am MDT

The Litigant Experience: Insights from Academic Partnerships
Thursday September 19, 2024 10:30am - 11:45am MDT
This session will explore the objectives, key strategies, and initial outcomes of two unique partnerships between academic institutions and the Utah courts. Both grounded their work in the litigant experience -- one from a user-centered perspective and one using a procedural justice framework. Panelists will share specific insights about forming and supporting academic partnerships like these, aligning goals and workflows, and maximizing the utility of project insights.

- "Litigant empowerment through choice?"
- "Court Voices Project: Using Court User Feedback to Guide Courts' Pandemic Responses"
- Short animated video: "A Case for Getting Feedback"

Sign in here: https://forms.gle/uQ6xsZndnNNSt1AYA

avatar for Renee L. Danser

Renee L. Danser

Associate Director of Research, the Access to Justice Lab at Harvard Law School
Drawing on her knowledge of justice system operations and the pressures on the justice system, Ms. Danser joined the Access to Justice Lab at Harvard Law School to incorporate rigorous research into improving access to justice. Ms. Danser believes that fo
avatar for Sarah Mauet

Sarah Mauet

UX4Justice Director and Professor of Practice, Innovation for Justice
Sarah Mauet (she/her) is a user experience (UX) researcher and educator with a successful track record of leading large-scale public-facing tech design projects for governments, courts, hospitals, universities, and startups. Since 2020, Sarah has focused on UX and justice-sector tech... Read More →
avatar for Jonathan Mark

Jonathan Mark

MyPaperwork Program Manager, Administrative Office of the Courts | Utah Courts

Nathanael Player

Director, Self-Help Center and Law Library, Utah State Courts
Nathanael Player is the Director of the Utah State Courts' Self-Help Center, which provides free legal help and information to thousands of people trying to navigate Utah’s legal system. He serves on numerous committees working to increase access to justice for the people of Utah... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 10:30am - 11:45am MDT
Room 6619 383 South S University St, Salt Lake City, UT 84112

11:45am MDT

Lunch Plenary - PROBLEM SOLVING: How to Prioritize When Everything is Important
Thursday September 19, 2024 11:45am - 1:00pm MDT
Grab lunch in lobby then bring it to the Moot Courtroom. This session begins at 12 p.m.

Nine years after the Conference of Chief Justices and the Conference of State Court Administrators unanimously passed Resolution 5, Reaffirming the Commitment to Meaningful Access to Justice for All, the National Center for State Courts is introducing a new set of planning materials and tools to assist states in moving toward the vision of justice for all. This session will provide: (1) a review of the important work undertaken through the Justice for All (JFA) initiative since the resolutions were passed, (2) an overview of the JFA vision and revised framework, and (3) an introduction to the new materials. The session will feature a demonstration of a new diagnostic tool that asks a series of questions to help states identify focus areas and produces a customized report to guide states as they prioritize their ATJ work. Participants will hear from the developers of the revised materials as well as stakeholders in states that have tested the new diagnostic tool.

Sign in here: https://forms.gle/byDnL3xaM9WdRuSw7

Angela Tripp

Program Officer for Technology III, Legal Services Corporation
avatar for Katherine Alteneder

Katherine Alteneder

SRLN Director Emerita, ATJ Innovation
avatar for Danielle Hirsch

Danielle Hirsch

Managing Director, Access to Justice, NCSC
Danielle Hirsch is the Interim Court Services Director of the Court Consulting Division at the National Center for State Courts. In that capacity, Danielle is working to develop, guide and implement policies and procedures of court consulting operations to ensure success, high-quality work. In... Read More →

Tara Veazey

Consultant, Veazey Strategies
Thursday September 19, 2024 11:45am - 1:00pm MDT
Moot Courtroom

1:00pm MDT

Thursday September 19, 2024 1:00pm - 1:15pm MDT
Thursday September 19, 2024 1:00pm - 1:15pm MDT
6th Floor Lobby 383 South S University St, Salt Lake City, UT 84112

1:15pm MDT

Empowering SRLs With Integrated Document Portals and Tech Tools
Thursday September 19, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm MDT
Would your court benefit from guided interviews that integrate with electronic filing? What about a digital evidence management system for SRLs to submit their trial exhibits? One easy to use portal where you can use all these tools and more? Come interact with live tools available in Illinois, Minnesota, and Utah and hear about efforts to empower SRLs with integrated tech solutions. We welcome all questions, and there will be ample time for discussion and Q&A.

Sign in here: https://forms.gle/rwoe3womZfNS2zGv6

Peter Dyer

Court Operations Analyst II, Minnesota Judicial Branch

Nathanael Player

Director, Self-Help Center and Law Library, Utah State Courts
Nathanael Player is the Director of the Utah State Courts' Self-Help Center, which provides free legal help and information to thousands of people trying to navigate Utah’s legal system. He serves on numerous committees working to increase access to justice for the people of Utah... Read More →
avatar for Sarah Song

Sarah Song

Supervising Sr. Program Mngr, Access to Justice, Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts
avatar for Sam Glover

Sam Glover

Clinical Fellow, Suffolk Legal Innovation & Technology Lab (LIT Lab)
Sam works with courts, orgs, and the LIT Lab team to build online tools that make legal processes more accessible.Early in his legal career Sam defended consumers from abusive debt collectors and landlords. He also founded Lawyerist, where he focused on legal innovation, access to... Read More →

Kristene Laterza

Business Analyst, State of Utah
Thursday September 19, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm MDT
Moot Courtroom

1:15pm MDT

Algorithmic Justice For All: Developing a safe framework for AI innovation for self-represented legal services
Thursday September 19, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm MDT
The current uncertainty around UPL and AI is unsustainable. This panel discussion will center around what regulations best serve the needs of the justice-seeking public as well as the courts and bar.

Sign in here: https://forms.gle/rwoe3womZfNS2zGv6
avatar for Sam Harden

Sam Harden

Senior Innovation Manager, Pro Bono Net

Natalie Anne Knowlton

Founder, Access to Justice Ventures
Thursday September 19, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm MDT
Room 6500 383 South S University St, Salt Lake City, UT 84112

1:15pm MDT

Growing the Ecosystem of Affordable Legal Options for SRLs
Thursday September 19, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm MDT
Many SRLs have some money to pay for legal services, but research shows the vast majority of Americans are not getting the legal help they need. This panel will focus on market-based models (many of which exist in Utah) that are bridging this gap. Attendees will learn about the ecosystem of affordable legal options for SRLs and efforts underway to grow it.

Sign in here: https://forms.gle/rwoe3womZfNS2zGv6
avatar for Jessica Bednarz

Jessica Bednarz

Director of Legal Services and the Profession, IAALS
Jessica Bednarz is the Director of Legal Services and the Profession at IAALS. In this role, Bednarz is responsible for leading the vision and strategy of IAALS’ work around innovation, regulation, reform, and evolution in the areas of the delivery of legal services and the legal... Read More →

Tonya Wright

Licensed Paralegal Practitioner, Peck Baxter Watkins & Bailey
Thursday September 19, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm MDT
Room 6613 383 South S University St, Salt Lake City, UT 84112

1:15pm MDT

Reimagining Pipelines: Expanding Career Pathways into Civil Justice
Thursday September 19, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm MDT
Struggling to find the right talent for your projects? Are your applicant pools limited, lacking the diversity and perspectives needed to drive meaningful change? Have you successfully tapped into other talent pipelines, beyond those focused on traditional legal roles? If these questions come up for you – join this discussion.
In this interactive session, we will focus on career pipelines into the civil justice sector and identify opportunities for strategies to rethink how we cultivate a diverse workforce. We’ll discuss how the sector can broaden its scope to include professionals from non-traditional backgrounds and vital perspectives, creating new pathways that strengthen inclusion and equity.

This session will challenge participants to reimagine what civil justice careers can look like and confront the need for the sector to do something different. The reality is that without intentional change, we will continue to see the same limited results. Join us as we explore how to reshape the workforce and foster the diverse talent needed to expand access to justice.

Sign in here: https://forms.gle/rwoe3womZfNS2zGv6
avatar for Eduardo Gonzalez

Eduardo Gonzalez

Program Officer, American Academy of Arts & Sciences
Eduardo is the Program Officer for Civil Justice at the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (AAAS) where he works to implement the recommendations of the AAAS's Civil Justice for All Report and outcomes from the Making Justice Accessible Project. With deep knowledge about the access... Read More →

Armin Salek

Executive Director, Youth Justice Alliance
Thursday September 19, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm MDT
Room 6623 383 South S University St, Salt Lake City, UT 84112

1:15pm MDT

What Solutions Are Hiding in Your Court Data?
Thursday September 19, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm MDT
The Utah Bar Foundation embarked on a data research project, supported by The Pew Charitable Trusts, to examine eviction and debt collection case filings in the Utah State Courts. We compared case outcomes for defendants referred to a dedicated eviction/debt collection calendar and given pro bono assistance versus those that didn't. The goal - make recommendations that improve case outcomes for all parties (courts, defendants, plaintiffs, lenders). Come hear about the lessons learned and the recommendations made to the Utah State Courts and the Utah State Legislature as some unsettling trends were discovered through this data research.

Sign in here: https://forms.gle/rwoe3womZfNS2zGv6

avatar for Casey Chiappetta

Casey Chiappetta

Principal Associate, The Pew Charitable Trusts
Casey Chiappetta is a principal associate for Pew’s courts and communities project, where she works with states to identify data-informed solutions to improve how debt collection lawsuits are adjudicated, supports court openness initiatives, and researches how courts can more effectively... Read More →
avatar for Kim Paulding

Kim Paulding

Executive Director, Utah Bar Foundation
avatar for David McNeill

David McNeill

Data Researcher, Utah Bar Foundation
Thursday September 19, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm MDT
Room 6619 383 South S University St, Salt Lake City, UT 84112

2:15pm MDT

Thursday September 19, 2024 2:15pm - 2:25pm MDT
Thursday September 19, 2024 2:15pm - 2:25pm MDT

2:25pm MDT

Language Access Is Access to Justice
Thursday September 19, 2024 2:25pm - 3:25pm MDT
We are increasingly facing the need and responsibility to provide legal and court services that are linguistically accessible to those we serve. In this session, we will discuss current trends and language access policies throughout the country and  share resources for developing and updating your language access strategies and advocating for continued support to provide language access services in legal and court settings. We will also discuss practical approaches to addressing the language needs of your limited-English speaking clients and customers, including the use of interpreters, bilingual professionals, volunteers, audio-visual projects, and machine translation.

Sign in here: https://forms.gle/HwB5zu9f4kNJyT8A9
avatar for Danielle Hirsch

Danielle Hirsch

Managing Director, Access to Justice, NCSC
Danielle Hirsch is the Interim Court Services Director of the Court Consulting Division at the National Center for State Courts. In that capacity, Danielle is working to develop, guide and implement policies and procedures of court consulting operations to ensure success, high-quality work. In... Read More →
avatar for Cristina Llop

Cristina Llop

Access to Justice Consultant, Law Within Reach PC
I consult on issues of access to justice, particularly strategies to help self-represented litigants access the legal system and language access. I have run self-help centers in both urban and rural counties in California and, as a federally certified court interpreter, I have interpreted... Read More →
avatar for Ana Maria Garcia

Ana Maria Garcia

Vice President of Access to Justice Intitiatives, Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles County
Ana Maria Garcia (she/her/hers) is a passionate advocate dedicated to creating solutions and expanding access to justice for all, particularly to underserved communities. Currently, she is the Vice President of Access to Justice Initiatives at NLSLA, serving as the liaison to the... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 2:25pm - 3:25pm MDT
Room 6613 383 South S University St, Salt Lake City, UT 84112

2:25pm MDT

AI in Triage and Portal Projects
Thursday September 19, 2024 2:25pm - 3:25pm MDT
Everyone is talking about how AI has the power to transform the legal system, but the use of AI in triage and access to justice portals is one of the most promising examples. Join us for a conversation about how SRLN partners are using – or contemplating using – generative AI to improve the usability of their triage tools as well as their efficiency in building and maintaining triage and portal systems.

Sign in here: https://forms.gle/HwB5zu9f4kNJyT8A9
avatar for J. Singleton

J. Singleton

Program Manager, Legal Services State Support
J. Singleton is the Program Manager of Legal Services State Support. She has led many successful development and redesign projects that have improved access to justice for Minnesotans statewide, including the redesign of LawHelpMN.org, creation of Minnesota’s Legal Organizations... Read More →

Angela Tripp

Program Officer for Technology III, Legal Services Corporation
Thursday September 19, 2024 2:25pm - 3:25pm MDT
Moot Courtroom

2:25pm MDT

How to Fix the Information Gap and Increase Party Engagement with Court Mediation & ODR Programs
Thursday September 19, 2024 2:25pm - 3:25pm MDT
This session provides practical tips to courts and other organizations interested in improving access to court programs. Attendees will learn about the barriers to participation in ODR, identified through RSI’s focus group research and user testing with participants with low literacy. Presenters will propose solutions to address these barriers to participation. Following this presentation, an interactive workshop will allow participants to apply the solutions provided to revise communications so that they are more easily understood by SRLs with low literacy. Attendees are encouraged to bring documents to revise.

Sign in here: https://forms.gle/HwB5zu9f4kNJyT8A9
avatar for Jennifer Shack

Jennifer Shack

Director of Research, Resolution Systems Institute
Thursday September 19, 2024 2:25pm - 3:25pm MDT
2nd Floor: Room 2100

2:25pm MDT

It's Not Just Limited Scope Anymore
Thursday September 19, 2024 2:25pm - 3:25pm MDT
Since its inception in 2007, the LOVS family law firm has been at the forefront of the mission to provide meaningful access to justice to unrepresented parties in Utah. Over a decade ago, with Joanna Sagers and Stewart Ralphs, LOVS’ Virginia Sudbury created the innovative and wildly successful Pro Se Calendar.

Given its lengthy history of providing tangible Limited Scope services to Pro Se parties, LOVS will present a “roadmap” on how those services can be expanded and integrated into the Pro Se Calendar. It will also provide suggestions on how to institute a Pro Se Calendar in other jurisdictions, coaching pro se parties through hearings and Informal Trials, and how to best assist pro se parties in utilizing (and navigating) existent court-based, online programs (called OCAP, in Utah).

As part of this panel presentation, LOVS will also highlight the role of paralegals (including Licensed Paralegal Practitioners) in providing assistance and resources to pro se parties.

An applicable process for establishing a pro se calendar, checklists for pro se parties, and how to provide coaching to pro se parties for hearings and informal trials.

Sign in here: https://forms.gle/HwB5zu9f4kNJyT8A9

Richard Mrazik

Judge, Utah State Courts
avatar for Virginia Sudbury

Virginia Sudbury

Attorney, LOVS
Virginia Lynn Sudbury graduated from Illinois State University in 1979 and from DePaul University School of Law in 1982. It was at that point she realized she didn’t much care for the practice of law, so she dyed a purple streak in her hair and moved to Venice Beach, California... Read More →

Alison Satterlee

Lawyer, LOVS

Elizabeth Lisonbee

Attorney, Law Office of Virginia Sudbury


Paralegal, Law Office of Virginia Sudbury
Thursday September 19, 2024 2:25pm - 3:25pm MDT
Room 6619 383 South S University St, Salt Lake City, UT 84112

2:25pm MDT

Virtual Court Access Networks: Connecting communities to the courts
Thursday September 19, 2024 2:25pm - 3:25pm MDT
This session is for anyone interested in using technology to connect with rural communities and alleviating the burden that traveling to court may cause for all court users. Virtual Court Access Networks (VCAN) consist of computer stations in private and safe locations that provide an opportunity for court users to interface with the court without leaving their local community. From identifying partners and appropriate locations, to network safety concerns, and more, this session will provide participants with a blueprint to replicate (VCAN) in their region.

Sign in here: https://forms.gle/HwB5zu9f4kNJyT8A9
avatar for Lisa M. Zayas

Lisa M. Zayas

Director, Division of Access to Justice, NYS Unified Courts, Office for Justice Initiatives
avatar for Michelle Smith

Michelle Smith

Chief of Staff, New York Courts' Office for Justice Initiatives

Rosemary Martinez-Borges

Deputy Chief of Staff, Office for Justice Initiatives, NY Courts
avatar for Christine Sisario

Christine Sisario

Director of Technology/CIO, New York State Unified Court System
Christine Sisario has over twenty-eight years of experience working in a variety of technology areas including systems and network engineering, high-profile project management, strategic planning, and all facets of the software development life cycle. The bulk of her career has been... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 2:25pm - 3:25pm MDT
Room 6500 383 South S University St, Salt Lake City, UT 84112

2:25pm MDT

Best Practices in Data Sharing: Learning From Other Fields
Thursday September 19, 2024 2:25pm - 3:25pm MDT
Legal providers are notoriously gun-shy when it comes to data sharing, often leading to unnecessary silos, inefficiency, and a lack of holistic response for people in crisis. However, other fields have built safe, effective models for data sharing in highly sensitive areas the legal field can learn from. This panel will feature representatives from a homelessness service provider and a data systems technologist discussing their experience with HMIS (Homeless Management Information Services) and other data-sharing systems, and how it has strengthened coalition and client outcomes. This panel will discuss data privacy, data sharing agreements, technology infrastructure and systems to allow for safe and effective data sharing, and a discussion of the impact of data sharing across sectors.

Sign in here: https://forms.gle/HwB5zu9f4kNJyT8A9
avatar for Aaron Bean

Aaron Bean

Managing Director, Asemio
Aaron Bean is the Managing Director and co-founder of Asemio, based in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Aaron is a highly skilled industry veteran with over 20 years of experience in software development. His creative approach to digital transformation is fueled by his passion for developing technologies... Read More →

Mark Smith

CEO, Housing Solutions Tulsa
avatar for Katie Dilks

Katie Dilks

Executive Director, Oklahoma Access to Justice Foundation
Thursday September 19, 2024 2:25pm - 3:25pm MDT
Room 6623 383 South S University St, Salt Lake City, UT 84112

3:25pm MDT

Break & Coffee
Thursday September 19, 2024 3:25pm - 3:40pm MDT
Thursday September 19, 2024 3:25pm - 3:40pm MDT
6th Floor Lobby 383 South S University St, Salt Lake City, UT 84112

3:40pm MDT

STRUCTURED DISCUSSION AND PROBLEM SOLVING: Emerging Opportunities and Challenges
Thursday September 19, 2024 3:40pm - 5:00pm MDT
During this plenary, we will explore the challenges and opportunities surrounding the two areas most increasing service capacity within our sector: the people and things other than lawyers providing legal help, and the expanding right to counsel movement. We will have a moderated conversation with national leaders, and invite audience reflection as well.

Sign in here: https://forms.gle/QAbz5Ks6EW1ZBuVF8

avatar for Katherine Alteneder

Katherine Alteneder

SRLN Director Emerita, ATJ Innovation
avatar for John Pollock

John Pollock

Coordinator, National Coalition for a Civil Right to Counsel
John Pollock is a Staff Attorney for the Public Justice Center who has served since 2009 as the Coordinator of the National Coalition for the Civil Right to Counsel (NCCRC).  The NCCRC works in 41 states to establish the right to counsel for low-income individuals in civil cases... Read More →
avatar for Danielle Hirsch

Danielle Hirsch

Managing Director, Access to Justice, NCSC
Danielle Hirsch is the Interim Court Services Director of the Court Consulting Division at the National Center for State Courts. In that capacity, Danielle is working to develop, guide and implement policies and procedures of court consulting operations to ensure success, high-quality work. In... Read More →

Samira Nazem

Principal Court Management Consultant, National Center for State Courts
Samira Nazem is a Principal Court Management Consultant at the National Center for State Courts (NCSC), focusing on eviction diversion programs in state courts.
avatar for Nikole Nelson

Nikole Nelson

CEO, Frontline Justice
Community Justice Workers

Natalie Anne Knowlton

Founder, Access to Justice Ventures
Thursday September 19, 2024 3:40pm - 5:00pm MDT
Moot Courtroom

6:00pm MDT

Thursday September 19, 2024 6:00pm - 8:00pm MDT
Sapa - Reservation under Stacy Jane - Location: 722 S State St, Salt Lake City, UT 84111.

Affinity dinners are a place for networking and informal information sharing while also building friendships with like-minded colleagues. These dinners are intentionally kept small so that attendees can hear and speak with one another.

All dinners are currently scheduled for Thursday night. Seating is limited, so if you sign up on Sched, please be sure you will attend. If you have to cancel or have any questions, please contact Suzanne Abrahamson at suzanne@innovation4justice.org.

Thursday September 19, 2024 6:00pm - 8:00pm MDT
Sapa 722 S State St, Salt Lake City, UT 84111

6:00pm MDT

Thursday September 19, 2024 6:00pm - 8:00pm MDT
Blue Iguana booked on Opentable under Suzanne Abrahamson.

Affinity dinners are a place for networking and informal information sharing while also building friendships with like-minded colleagues.  These dinners are intentionally kept small so that attendees can hear and speak with one another.
All dinners are currently scheduled for Thursday night.  Seating is limited, so if you sign up on Sched, please be sure you will attend. If you have to cancel or have any questions, please contact Suzanne Abrahamson at suzanne@innovation4justice.org.

Thursday September 19, 2024 6:00pm - 8:00pm MDT
Blue Iguana 165 S West Temple, Salt Lake City, UT 84101

6:00pm MDT

AFFINITY DINNER: Law Librarians and Friends
Thursday September 19, 2024 6:00pm - 8:00pm MDT
Please meet with Larry Meyer in the conference lobby after programming ends on Thursday, 9/19.
Affinity dinners are a place for networking and informal information sharing while also building friendships with like-minded colleagues.  These dinners are intentionally kept small so that attendees can hear and speak with one another.
All dinners are currently scheduled for Thursday night.  Seating is limited, so if you sign up on Sched, please be sure you will attend. If you have to cancel or have any questions, please contact Suzanne Abrahamson at suzanne@innovation4justice.org.

Lawrence Meyer

Executive Director, SBCLL
Thursday September 19, 2024 6:00pm - 8:00pm MDT
Proper Brewing/Burger Company 857 S Main St Salt Lake City, UT 84111

6:00pm MDT

AFFINITY DINNER: Legal Aid Self-Help
Thursday September 19, 2024 6:00pm - 8:00pm MDT
Adelaide booked via email under Suzanne Abrahamson.
Affinity dinners are a place for networking and informal information sharing while also building friendships with like-minded colleagues.  These dinners are intentionally kept small so that attendees can hear and speak with one another.
All dinners are currently scheduled for Thursday night.  Seating is limited, so if you sign up on Sched, please be sure you will attend. If you have to cancel or have any questions, please contact Suzanne Abrahamson at suzanne@innovation4justice.org.
Thursday September 19, 2024 6:00pm - 8:00pm MDT
Adelaide 131 S 300 W, Salt Lake City, UT 84101

6:00pm MDT

AFFINITY DINNER: Miscellaneous
Thursday September 19, 2024 6:00pm - 8:00pm MDT
East Liberty Taphouse booked via email under Suzanne Abrahamson - Location: 850 E 900 S, Salt Lake City, UT 84105.

Affinity dinners are a place for networking and informal information sharing while also building friendships with like-minded colleagues. These dinners are intentionally kept small so that attendees can hear and speak with one another.

All dinners are currently scheduled for Thursday night. Seating is limited, so if you sign up on Sched, please be sure you will attend. If you have to cancel or have any questions, please contact Suzanne Abrahamson at suzanne@innovation4justice.org.

Thursday September 19, 2024 6:00pm - 8:00pm MDT
East Liberty Taphouse 850 E 900 S, Salt Lake City, UT 84105

6:00pm MDT

Thursday September 19, 2024 6:00pm - 8:00pm MDT
Laurel Brasserie & Bar (right across street from Little America) - Reservation under Stacy Jane. Location: 555 S Main St, Salt Lake City, UT 84111.

Affinity dinners are a place for networking and informal information sharing while also building friendships with like-minded colleagues.  These dinners are intentionally kept small so that attendees can hear and speak with one another.
All dinners are currently scheduled for Thursday night.  Seating is limited, so if you sign up on Sched, please be sure you will attend. If you have to cancel or have any questions, please contact Suzanne Abrahamson at suzanne@innovation4justice.org.

Thursday September 19, 2024 6:00pm - 8:00pm MDT
Laurel Brasserie & Bar 555 S Main St, Salt Lake City, UT 84111
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