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Thursday, September 19

10:30am MDT

Legal Aid Partners with the Courts: Three Approaches (CA, MI, VA)
Thursday September 19, 2024 10:30am - 11:45am MDT
Legal Aid programs are partnering with courts to address legal needs of self-represented litigants. Join us to learn different models implemented in California, Virginia and Michigan.

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avatar for David Neumeyer

David Neumeyer

Executive Director, Virginia Legal Aid Society
Executive director of Virginia Legal Aid Society since 1990. Previously a chief attorney for Maryland Legal Aid, legal director for Food Research & Action Center, minority counsel for U.S. Senate Committee on Labor & Human Resources, Reginald Heber Smith Fellow at Rhode Island Legal... Read More →

Amy Disel Allman

Director of Advocacy, Virginia Legal Aid Society
VLAS Foreclosure Prevention & Consumer Protection ProjectACES Justice Project of the Virginia Legal Aid Community- Advocating for fair Credit, Employment Opportunities and safe affordable ShelterCARE- Campaign to Reduce Evictions
avatar for Bonnie Hough

Bonnie Hough

Consultant, Self Represented Litigation Network
courtsself helpaccess to justicetravel
avatar for Ana Maria Garcia

Ana Maria Garcia

Vice President of Access to Justice Intitiatives, Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles County
Ana Maria Garcia (she/her/hers) is a passionate advocate dedicated to creating solutions and expanding access to justice for all, particularly to underserved communities. Currently, she is the Vice President of Access to Justice Initiatives at NLSLA, serving as the liaison to the... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 10:30am - 11:45am MDT
Room 6500 383 South S University St, Salt Lake City, UT 84112

10:30am MDT

Tech Driven Capacity Building for Self-Help Clinics & Individual Services: California and Maryland
Thursday September 19, 2024 10:30am - 11:45am MDT
This session will provide case studies in expanding capacity of self-help programs using technology versus traditional in-person delivery. Bet Tzedek Legal Services (Los Angeles) has designed a dedicated platform for a self-help clinic program providing assistance in conservatorship. Hear what they learned about how to get started, the effectiveness of plain language principles in content creations, and results of UX testing with community partners and clinic users. While many self-help programs are exploring tech solutions, Public Counsel ( Los Angeles) has intentionally maintained an in- person, low-tech service delivery model for pro per services  with complex  guardianship proceedings for minors.  Learn how they continue to meet the litigant demand with low, tech, in-person contact model. In contrast, the Maryland Center for Legal Assistance has operated court self-help centers since 2017 and offers a Remote Services Center, providing legal advice to self-represented litigants via phone and online chat M-F from 8:30-8:00PM. In 2023 they had 94,175 phone consults and 20,828 chat consults. Learn what they’ve done to increase efficiency while ensuring their assistance is helpful. They will discuss how to leverage technology to maintain a high volume, brief advice, remote services operation by sharing some successful tech-based innovations, including a homegrown data entry application, link manager, and text/email functionality.

Sign in here: https://forms.gle/uQ6xsZndnNNSt1AYA

Ylianna Perez-Guerrero

Senior Supervising Staff Attorney, Public Counsel
avatar for Isabela Garcia

Isabela Garcia

Virtual Services Paralegal, Bet Tzedek
avatar for Lindsay Bramble

Lindsay Bramble

Deputy Director for Remote Services, Maryland Center for Legal Assistance
Lindsay is the Deputy Director for Remote Services at the Maryland Center for Legal Assistance. In this role, she oversees the Maryland Court Help Center Remote Services Center where she and her staff provide brief advice to self-represented litigants via phone, online chat, and video... Read More →

Bertha Hayden

Directing Attorney, Bet Tzedek Legal Services
Thursday September 19, 2024 10:30am - 11:45am MDT
Room 6623 383 South S University St, Salt Lake City, UT 84112

1:15pm MDT

Growing the Ecosystem of Affordable Legal Options for SRLs
Thursday September 19, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm MDT
Many SRLs have some money to pay for legal services, but research shows the vast majority of Americans are not getting the legal help they need. This panel will focus on market-based models (many of which exist in Utah) that are bridging this gap. Attendees will learn about the ecosystem of affordable legal options for SRLs and efforts underway to grow it.

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avatar for Jessica Bednarz

Jessica Bednarz

Director of Legal Services and the Profession, IAALS
Jessica Bednarz is the Director of Legal Services and the Profession at IAALS. In this role, Bednarz is responsible for leading the vision and strategy of IAALS’ work around innovation, regulation, reform, and evolution in the areas of the delivery of legal services and the legal... Read More →

Tonya Wright

Licensed Paralegal Practitioner, Peck Baxter Watkins & Bailey
Thursday September 19, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm MDT
Room 6613 383 South S University St, Salt Lake City, UT 84112

1:15pm MDT

Reimagining Pipelines: Expanding Career Pathways into Civil Justice
Thursday September 19, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm MDT
Struggling to find the right talent for your projects? Are your applicant pools limited, lacking the diversity and perspectives needed to drive meaningful change? Have you successfully tapped into other talent pipelines, beyond those focused on traditional legal roles? If these questions come up for you – join this discussion.
In this interactive session, we will focus on career pipelines into the civil justice sector and identify opportunities for strategies to rethink how we cultivate a diverse workforce. We’ll discuss how the sector can broaden its scope to include professionals from non-traditional backgrounds and vital perspectives, creating new pathways that strengthen inclusion and equity.

This session will challenge participants to reimagine what civil justice careers can look like and confront the need for the sector to do something different. The reality is that without intentional change, we will continue to see the same limited results. Join us as we explore how to reshape the workforce and foster the diverse talent needed to expand access to justice.

Sign in here: https://forms.gle/rwoe3womZfNS2zGv6
avatar for Eduardo Gonzalez

Eduardo Gonzalez

Program Officer, American Academy of Arts & Sciences
Eduardo is the Program Officer for Civil Justice at the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (AAAS) where he works to implement the recommendations of the AAAS's Civil Justice for All Report and outcomes from the Making Justice Accessible Project. With deep knowledge about the access... Read More →

Armin Salek

Executive Director, Youth Justice Alliance
Thursday September 19, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm MDT
Room 6623 383 South S University St, Salt Lake City, UT 84112

2:25pm MDT

How to Fix the Information Gap and Increase Party Engagement with Court Mediation & ODR Programs
Thursday September 19, 2024 2:25pm - 3:25pm MDT
This session provides practical tips to courts and other organizations interested in improving access to court programs. Attendees will learn about the barriers to participation in ODR, identified through RSI’s focus group research and user testing with participants with low literacy. Presenters will propose solutions to address these barriers to participation. Following this presentation, an interactive workshop will allow participants to apply the solutions provided to revise communications so that they are more easily understood by SRLs with low literacy. Attendees are encouraged to bring documents to revise.

Sign in here: https://forms.gle/HwB5zu9f4kNJyT8A9
avatar for Jennifer Shack

Jennifer Shack

Director of Research, Resolution Systems Institute
Thursday September 19, 2024 2:25pm - 3:25pm MDT
2nd Floor: Room 2100

2:25pm MDT

It's Not Just Limited Scope Anymore
Thursday September 19, 2024 2:25pm - 3:25pm MDT
Since its inception in 2007, the LOVS family law firm has been at the forefront of the mission to provide meaningful access to justice to unrepresented parties in Utah. Over a decade ago, with Joanna Sagers and Stewart Ralphs, LOVS’ Virginia Sudbury created the innovative and wildly successful Pro Se Calendar.

Given its lengthy history of providing tangible Limited Scope services to Pro Se parties, LOVS will present a “roadmap” on how those services can be expanded and integrated into the Pro Se Calendar. It will also provide suggestions on how to institute a Pro Se Calendar in other jurisdictions, coaching pro se parties through hearings and Informal Trials, and how to best assist pro se parties in utilizing (and navigating) existent court-based, online programs (called OCAP, in Utah).

As part of this panel presentation, LOVS will also highlight the role of paralegals (including Licensed Paralegal Practitioners) in providing assistance and resources to pro se parties.

An applicable process for establishing a pro se calendar, checklists for pro se parties, and how to provide coaching to pro se parties for hearings and informal trials.

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Richard Mrazik

Judge, Utah State Courts
avatar for Virginia Sudbury

Virginia Sudbury

Attorney, LOVS
Virginia Lynn Sudbury graduated from Illinois State University in 1979 and from DePaul University School of Law in 1982. It was at that point she realized she didn’t much care for the practice of law, so she dyed a purple streak in her hair and moved to Venice Beach, California... Read More →

Alison Satterlee

Lawyer, LOVS

Elizabeth Lisonbee

Attorney, Law Office of Virginia Sudbury


Paralegal, Law Office of Virginia Sudbury
Thursday September 19, 2024 2:25pm - 3:25pm MDT
Room 6619 383 South S University St, Salt Lake City, UT 84112

2:25pm MDT

Virtual Court Access Networks: Connecting communities to the courts
Thursday September 19, 2024 2:25pm - 3:25pm MDT
This session is for anyone interested in using technology to connect with rural communities and alleviating the burden that traveling to court may cause for all court users. Virtual Court Access Networks (VCAN) consist of computer stations in private and safe locations that provide an opportunity for court users to interface with the court without leaving their local community. From identifying partners and appropriate locations, to network safety concerns, and more, this session will provide participants with a blueprint to replicate (VCAN) in their region.

Sign in here: https://forms.gle/HwB5zu9f4kNJyT8A9
avatar for Lisa M. Zayas

Lisa M. Zayas

Director, Division of Access to Justice, NYS Unified Courts, Office for Justice Initiatives
avatar for Michelle Smith

Michelle Smith

Chief of Staff, New York Courts' Office for Justice Initiatives

Rosemary Martinez-Borges

Deputy Chief of Staff, Office for Justice Initiatives, NY Courts
avatar for Christine Sisario

Christine Sisario

Director of Technology/CIO, New York State Unified Court System
Christine Sisario has over twenty-eight years of experience working in a variety of technology areas including systems and network engineering, high-profile project management, strategic planning, and all facets of the software development life cycle. The bulk of her career has been... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 2:25pm - 3:25pm MDT
Room 6500 383 South S University St, Salt Lake City, UT 84112
Friday, September 20

9:55am MDT

Judicial Perspectives on Access to Justice in Eviction Court and Other High-Volume Dockets
Friday September 20, 2024 9:55am - 10:45am MDT
Eviction and consumer debt dockets are often fast-paced and high-volume, which can create challenges for the overwhelming numbers of litigants appearing without counsel and struggling to understand the legal process and their options. Judges from three different jurisdictions will describe how they have adopted principles of active judging to increase understanding, protect due process, and expand access to resources for litigants. Judges will also share their thoughts on how to cultivate new judicial champions for access to justice reforms.

Sign in here: https://forms.gle/GKM8kiBn16EvEJwf6
avatar for Erika Rickard

Erika Rickard

Director, Courts and Communities, The Pew Charitable Trusts
Erika Rickard oversees researchers, policy experts, and organizational partnerships that support Pew’s work on safety and justice, including efforts to unpack, understand, and explain the role of court administration in key policy areas that affect people’s lives. Before joining... Read More →
avatar for Judge Steven Duble

Judge Steven Duble

Justice of the Peace, Harris County Justice of the Peace Precinct 1-2
Steven Duble is Justice of the Peace for Precinct 1, Place 2 in Harris County, Texas. He was elected in November 2022 and took office January 2023. He earned his undergraduate degree from Texas Christian University in 1986 and his law degree from the University of Houston Law Center... Read More →

Judge Kimberly Bacon

Judge, Lawrence Township Small Claims Court, Marion County, Indiana

Magistrate Andrea Paprzycki

Magistrate Judge, Colorado Judicial Department
Friday September 20, 2024 9:55am - 10:45am MDT
Moot Courtroom

9:55am MDT

Synergy for Impact: How Legal Aid and Justice Tech Partnerships Drive Justice Equity
Friday September 20, 2024 9:55am - 10:55am MDT
How can we break down silos and build resources and community between organizations committed to access to justice? Dive into the transformative impact of legal aid-justice tech collaboration that benefits justice-impacted communities, LSOs, and mission-focused founders. This session will explore the potential of ethical tech advancements to revolutionize the access to justice landscape, unlocking new levels of accessibility for clients and increased justice equity. Panelists will share examples of partnership projects and seek feedback in a workshop-style discussion about (i) a resource for LSOs to identify trusted tech platforms for potential partnerships/referrals; (ii) two research studies on justice tech; and (iii) early work of a subcommittee focused on justice tech and legal aid innovation.

Sign in here: https://forms.gle/GKM8kiBn16EvEJwf6
avatar for Kelli Raker

Kelli Raker

Associate Program Director, Duke Law
avatar for Shellie Reid

Shellie Reid

Manager, Legal Services National Technology Assistance Project
Friday September 20, 2024 9:55am - 10:55am MDT
Room 6619 383 South S University St, Salt Lake City, UT 84112

9:55am MDT

The Story of Community Justice Work: Data Assumptions, Norms, and Recommendations
Friday September 20, 2024 9:55am - 10:55am MDT
avatar for Nikole Nelson

Nikole Nelson

CEO, Frontline Justice
Community Justice Workers

Gabriela Elizondo-Craig

Project Lead, Innovation for Justice
avatar for Rachel Crisler

Rachel Crisler

Project Lead, Innovation for Justice
I manage the Housings Stability Legal Advocate Initiative in Arizona! We will be in the midst of training our new cohort of 34 HSLAs. I'd love to share our work building community legal empowerment and our work with these incredible community based justice workers!

Hayley Cousin

Executive Director, Community Justice Advocates of Utah

Colleen Smith

Director, New Jersey Programs, Newark Community Solutions
Friday September 20, 2024 9:55am - 10:55am MDT
Room 6623 383 South S University St, Salt Lake City, UT 84112

11:05am MDT

Building Connected Ecosystems of Resources for Self-Represented Litigants: Maryland and Illinois
Friday September 20, 2024 11:05am - 12:20pm MDT
This presentation will explore the multifaceted ecosystem of services available to self-represented litigants in Illinois and Maryland.  Informed by the Illinois Supreme Court’s “Safe Harbor Policy”, self-represented litigants in Illinois can tap into innovative services within and outside courts, including the Court Navigator Network, Illinois JusticeCorps, Illinois Court Help, and access centers located within public libraries. These services ensure that individuals without lawyers, in every corner of the state, can access vital legal information and resources to help them meaningfully navigate the civil justice system.  It will also review the Maryland Court Help Centers where litigants can connect with attorneys in person, by phone, through online chat, or at video kiosks in courthouses for advice and resources. One such resource is the Justice Passport, which connects litigants with appropriate legal services agencies without the necessity of multiple interviews. This session will describe how these services got off the ground, outline the collaboration that makes these programs successful, and highlight how these programs can also be scaled in your state.

Sign in here: https://forms.gle/gDM6GfACSxWyysZ17
avatar for Jill Roberts

Jill Roberts

Deputy Director, Access to Justice Division, Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts
Jill Roberts is the Deputy Director of the Access to Justice Division at the Administrative Office of Illinois Courts. She facilitates and coordinates statewide efforts to promote meaningful access to the Illinois courts to meet the needs of litigants appearing in court without attorneys... Read More →
avatar for Lindsay Bramble

Lindsay Bramble

Deputy Director for Remote Services, Maryland Center for Legal Assistance
Lindsay is the Deputy Director for Remote Services at the Maryland Center for Legal Assistance. In this role, she oversees the Maryland Court Help Center Remote Services Center where she and her staff provide brief advice to self-represented litigants via phone, online chat, and video... Read More →
avatar for Roya Samarghandi

Roya Samarghandi

Associate Director of Advocacy, Innovation & Train, The Chicago Bar Foundation
Roya Samarghandi is the CBF’s Associate Director of Advocacy, Innovation, & Training. Roya plays a key role in the CBF’s mission through her work on legislative and policy advocacy, innovation initiatives, and the CBF Legal Aid Academy.An alumna of the JEP, Roya owned and ran... Read More →
avatar for Stacey Weiler

Stacey Weiler

Director of Grants and Access to Justice Programs, Illinois Bar Foundation
Friday September 20, 2024 11:05am - 12:20pm MDT
Room 6500 383 South S University St, Salt Lake City, UT 84112

11:05am MDT

Independent Non-Profit Legal Services Providers: An Essential Piece of the Access to Justice Puzzle
Friday September 20, 2024 11:05am - 12:20pm MDT
Most often those provided legal services to the self-represented are part of larger, existing structures such as courts, libraries, and legal aid providers. A few have taken a different approach, separate nonprofit organizations. Three of those programs are the Timpanogos Legal Center, led by Susan Griffith serving the people of Utah, the Shriver Custody Project, led by Vanessa Smith serving the people of Oakland, California, and the Legal Assistance Center, led by Deborah Hughes, serving the people of Kent County, Michigan. Learn more about these programs, how they developed as nonprofits, and the challenges, pros, and cons of functioning as a nonprofit legal service provider.

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avatar for Vanessa Smith

Vanessa Smith

Staff Attorney, Legal Access Alameda
avatar for Susan Griffith

Susan Griffith

Executive Director, Timpanogos Legal Center (TLC)
Susan Griffith is the founding ED of a nonprofit that provides free legal services to self-represented parties in divorce, custody, protective order, guardianship, and housing cases.  TLC was created 14 years ago with the goal of increasing opportunities for attorneys to do pro bono... Read More →
avatar for Deborah Hughes

Deborah Hughes

Executive Director, Legal Assistance Center
Deborah J. Hughes is the Executive Director of the Legal Assistance Center, a nonprofit legal self help center located in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The LAC is a community created, community supported legal self-help center. As Executive Director, Deborah is responsible for the legal... Read More →
Friday September 20, 2024 11:05am - 12:20pm MDT
Room 6623 383 South S University St, Salt Lake City, UT 84112

11:05am MDT

Pedagogies of Power: Building the Movement to Reimagine U.S. Legal Education
Friday September 20, 2024 11:05am - 12:20pm MDT
This program serves as an urgent cause of/for action and open call to reimagine the American law school. U.S. legal education’s current manifestation, we argue, serves as a unique site of socialization that has and continues to perpetuate ideological, structural, and material harms. Through a historically grounded analysis of the Present, Past-Ongoing, as well as potential Futures of the law school as a distinct project of legal power, this program explores the multiple ways in which traditional legal education can and must be reimagined by the broader U.S. legal profession. Drawing from movements of scholarship-activism in critical legal pedagogy, sociology, and abolitions, this space explores radical reforms to the law school as footholds toward freedom. In situating the law school as a critical zone of struggle for realizing justice and community sovereignty, this program seeks to discuss the ways that lawyers, legal educators, and advocates aligned with the work of liberation might work across disciplines, jurisdictions, and time to jointly advance “non-reformist reforms” to U.S. legal education. As this session explores, it is only through conscious, collective processes of (re)imagination that we can forge a future grounded in shared, collective legal power.

Sign in here: https://forms.gle/gDM6GfACSxWyysZ17
avatar for Antonio M. Coronado

Antonio M. Coronado

Professor of Practice, Community Legal Education, Innovation for Justice
Friday September 20, 2024 11:05am - 12:20pm MDT
Room 6613 383 South S University St, Salt Lake City, UT 84112

2:55pm MDT

Legal Hand: a fundable, ready to scale independent non-profit legal assistance and resources model
Friday September 20, 2024 2:55pm - 3:55pm MDT
Legal Hand, Inc. is expanding nationally and for a limited time is in a position to provide funding for costs associated with the first year of new Legal Hand Call-In Centers. At Legal Hand, trained community volunteers, who are not lawyers and college and law students provide free legal information, resources and referrals to help community members resolve issues that affect their lives, and prevent problems from turning into legal actions. When problems become legal actions, targeted legal information and assistance with court forms is provided. Assistance is delivered by telephone, email or text. Volunteers work remotely. There are no income or immigration status restrictions. Issues addressed include housing, family, immigration, domestic violence, and benefits. Panel participants will also discuss strategies for volunteer recruitment, effective community outreach, and sources of possible future funding.

Sign in here: https://forms.gle/BQQuBw38hbYZfmJPA

Fern Fisher

Executive Director, Legal Hand
avatar for Rochelle Klempner

Rochelle Klempner

Legal Consultant, Legal Hand
Rochelle Klempner is a legal consultant for Legal Hand, Inc., after retiring from the New York State Court System where she served most recently as Staff Counsel to the Permanent Commission on Access to Justice; Counsel to the Judicial Institute on Professionalism in the Law; and... Read More →
Friday September 20, 2024 2:55pm - 3:55pm MDT
Room 6623 383 South S University St, Salt Lake City, UT 84112

2:55pm MDT

University Labs for Justice System Innovation
Friday September 20, 2024 2:55pm - 3:55pm MDT
What are Law School Labs? In this session, you will learn about the growing network of university labs that work on law, policy, data, technology, and design-driven innovaiton.

In particular, we'll highlight:
  • The different kinds of Law School (and University) Labs, what kinds of projects they work on, how they operate, and what their priorities & goals are
  • Practical strategies for courts, legal aid groups, bar associations, or other justice institutions to partner with university labs to make progress on their innovation projects;
  • Example stories of past partnerships, including the details of establishing a relationship, scoping projects, working with researchers and students, and delivering work products.
You should attend this session if you are interested in understanding this new kind of law school group, doing more research about what works in justice innovation, and connecting with students, researchers, and interdisciplinary teams on envisioning and evaluating a better future for access to justice.

Sign in here: https://forms.gle/BQQuBw38hbYZfmJPA
avatar for Stacy Jane

Stacy Jane

Director, Innovation for Justice
Stacy Jane is the Director of i4J and has two decades of experience in community advocacy and expanding the reach of civil legal services for under-represented populations. Her research focuses on the application of human-centered design and innovation to social justice issues including... Read More →
avatar for Sam Glover

Sam Glover

Clinical Fellow, Suffolk Legal Innovation & Technology Lab (LIT Lab)
Sam works with courts, orgs, and the LIT Lab team to build online tools that make legal processes more accessible.Early in his legal career Sam defended consumers from abusive debt collectors and landlords. He also founded Lawyerist, where he focused on legal innovation, access to... Read More →
avatar for Margaret Hagan

Margaret Hagan

Executive Director, Stanford Legal Design Lab
Executive Director of Stanford Legal Design LabMargaret Hagan is the Executive Director of the Legal Design Lab at Stanford University, as well as lecturer at the Law School and d.school. She is a lawyer, and holds a J.D. from Stanford Law School, a DPhi

Nóra Al Haider

Assistant Director, Stanford Legal Design Lab
Friday September 20, 2024 2:55pm - 3:55pm MDT
Room 6613 383 South S University St, Salt Lake City, UT 84112
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