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Thursday, September 19

10:30am MDT

Legal Aid Partners with the Courts: Three Approaches (CA, MI, VA)
Thursday September 19, 2024 10:30am - 11:45am MDT
Legal Aid programs are partnering with courts to address legal needs of self-represented litigants. Join us to learn different models implemented in California, Virginia and Michigan.

Sign in here: https://forms.gle/uQ6xsZndnNNSt1AYA
avatar for David Neumeyer

David Neumeyer

Executive Director, Virginia Legal Aid Society
Executive director of Virginia Legal Aid Society since 1990. Previously a chief attorney for Maryland Legal Aid, legal director for Food Research & Action Center, minority counsel for U.S. Senate Committee on Labor & Human Resources, Reginald Heber Smith Fellow at Rhode Island Legal... Read More →

Amy Disel Allman

Director of Advocacy, Virginia Legal Aid Society
VLAS Foreclosure Prevention & Consumer Protection ProjectACES Justice Project of the Virginia Legal Aid Community- Advocating for fair Credit, Employment Opportunities and safe affordable ShelterCARE- Campaign to Reduce Evictions
avatar for Bonnie Hough

Bonnie Hough

Consultant, Self Represented Litigation Network
courtsself helpaccess to justicetravel
avatar for Ana Maria Garcia

Ana Maria Garcia

Vice President of Access to Justice Intitiatives, Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles County
Ana Maria Garcia (she/her/hers) is a passionate advocate dedicated to creating solutions and expanding access to justice for all, particularly to underserved communities. Currently, she is the Vice President of Access to Justice Initiatives at NLSLA, serving as the liaison to the... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 10:30am - 11:45am MDT
Flynn Room (6500)

1:15pm MDT

Growing the Ecosystem of Affordable Legal Options for SRLs
Thursday September 19, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm MDT
Many SRLs have some money to pay for legal services, but research shows the vast majority of Americans are not getting the legal help they need. This panel will focus on market-based models (many of which exist in Utah) that are bridging this gap. Attendees will learn about the ecosystem of affordable legal options for SRLs and efforts underway to grow it.

Sign in here: https://forms.gle/rwoe3womZfNS2zGv6
avatar for Jessica Bednarz

Jessica Bednarz

Director of Legal Services and the Profession, IAALS
Jessica Bednarz is the Director of Legal Services and the Profession at IAALS. In this role, Bednarz is responsible for leading the vision and strategy of IAALS’ work around innovation, regulation, reform, and evolution in the areas of the delivery of legal services and the legal... Read More →

Tonya Wright

Licensed Paralegal Practitioner, Peck Baxter Watkins & Bailey
Thursday September 19, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm MDT
Flynn Room (6500)

2:25pm MDT

Virtual Court Access Networks: Connecting communities to the courts
Thursday September 19, 2024 2:25pm - 3:25pm MDT
This session is for anyone interested in using technology to connect with rural communities and alleviating the burden that traveling to court may cause for all court users. Virtual Court Access Networks (VCAN) consist of computer stations in private and safe locations that provide an opportunity for court users to interface with the court without leaving their local community. From identifying partners and appropriate locations, to network safety concerns, and more, this session will provide participants with a blueprint to replicate (VCAN) in their region.

Sign in here: https://forms.gle/HwB5zu9f4kNJyT8A9
avatar for Lisa M. Zayas

Lisa M. Zayas

Director, Division of Access to Justice, NYS Unified Courts, Office for Justice Initiatives
avatar for Michelle Smith

Michelle Smith

Chief of Staff, New York Courts' Office for Justice Initiatives

Rosemary Martinez-Borges

Deputy Chief of Staff, Office for Justice Initiatives, NY Courts
avatar for Christine Sisario

Christine Sisario

Director of Technology/CIO, New York State Unified Court System
Christine Sisario has over twenty-eight years of experience working in a variety of technology areas including systems and network engineering, high-profile project management, strategic planning, and all facets of the software development life cycle. The bulk of her career has been... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 2:25pm - 3:25pm MDT
Flynn Room (6500)
Friday, September 20

9:10am MDT

Networking and Design+Systems Thinking 101
Friday September 20, 2024 9:10am - 9:45am MDT
Go behind the scenes with the Innovation for Justice lab - engage with the design and systems-thinking techniques we apply in designing access to justice innovations while networking with other conference attendees as we explore the challenges and opportunities of community based non-lawyer help.
avatar for Gabriela Elizondo-Craig

Gabriela Elizondo-Craig

Project Lead, Innovation for Justice
avatar for Rachel Crisler

Rachel Crisler

Project Lead, Innovation for Justice
I manage the Housings Stability Legal Advocate Initiative in Arizona! We will be in the midst of training our new cohort of 34 HSLAs. I'd love to share our work building community legal empowerment and our work with these incredible community based justice workers!

Cayley Balser

Professor of Practice, Service Impact Area Lead, Innovation for Justice
avatar for Antonio M. Coronado

Antonio M. Coronado

Professor of Practice, Community Legal Education, Innovation for Justice

Nóra Al Haider

Assistant Director, Stanford Legal Design Lab
Friday September 20, 2024 9:10am - 9:45am MDT
Flynn Room (6500)

9:55am MDT

Teaching Empathy Through Technology in the AI Era
Friday September 20, 2024 9:55am - 10:55am MDT
In an increasingly digital world driven by artificial intelligence, the importance of instilling empathy in future lawyers cannot be overstated. As technology continues to evolve, so too should our methods of teaching empathy to the next generation of lawyers. This session proposes an exploration of teaching empathy through the lens of document assembly—a critical tool in combating the access to justice crisis and one in which CALI has unique expertise. Automated legal forms help more than 1 million people a year to learn about their legal rights, complete the necessary court paperwork, and tackle the justice system pro se. By leveraging technology in innovative ways, we can not only streamline court form automation, but also foster a deeper understanding of the human beings struggling to access the justice system on their own. This session will delve into practical strategies and tools for integrating empathy into document assembly processes, ensuring that our advancements in AI remain grounded in human understanding and compassion.

Sign in here: https://forms.gle/GKM8kiBn16EvEJwf6
avatar for Jessica Frank

Jessica Frank

User Researcher and Project Manager, Free Law Project
Jessica Frank, in her role as the A2J Author Project Manager at CALI, is a thought leader in legal technology and access to justice. Jessica brings a wealth of expertise in utilizing technology to enhance the accessibility of legal resources, particularly through her work with A2J... Read More →
avatar for Alexander Rabanal

Alexander Rabanal

Research Fellow, Chicago-Kent College of Law
Friday September 20, 2024 9:55am - 10:55am MDT
Flynn Room (6500)

11:05am MDT

Building Connected Ecosystems of Resources for Self-Represented Litigants: Maryland and Illinois
Friday September 20, 2024 11:05am - 12:20pm MDT
This presentation will explore the multifaceted ecosystem of services available to self-represented litigants in Illinois and Maryland.  Informed by the Illinois Supreme Court’s “Safe Harbor Policy”, self-represented litigants in Illinois can tap into innovative services within and outside courts, including the Court Navigator Network, Illinois JusticeCorps, Illinois Court Help, and access centers located within public libraries. These services ensure that individuals without lawyers, in every corner of the state, can access vital legal information and resources to help them meaningfully navigate the civil justice system.  It will also review the Maryland Court Help Centers where litigants can connect with attorneys in person, by phone, through online chat, or at video kiosks in courthouses for advice and resources. One such resource is the Justice Passport, which connects litigants with appropriate legal services agencies without the necessity of multiple interviews. This session will describe how these services got off the ground, outline the collaboration that makes these programs successful, and highlight how these programs can also be scaled in your state.

Sign in here: https://forms.gle/gDM6GfACSxWyysZ17
avatar for Jill Roberts

Jill Roberts

Deputy Director, Access to Justice Division, Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts
Jill Roberts is the Deputy Director of the Access to Justice Division at the Administrative Office of Illinois Courts. She facilitates and coordinates statewide efforts to promote meaningful access to the Illinois courts to meet the needs of litigants appearing in court without attorneys... Read More →
avatar for Lindsay Bramble

Lindsay Bramble

Deputy Director for Remote Services, Maryland Center for Legal Assistance
Lindsay is the Deputy Director for Remote Services at the Maryland Center for Legal Assistance. In this role, she oversees the Maryland Court Help Center Remote Services Center where she and her staff provide brief advice to self-represented litigants via phone, online chat, and video... Read More →
avatar for Roya Samarghandi

Roya Samarghandi

Associate Director of Advocacy, Innovation & Train, The Chicago Bar Foundation
Roya Samarghandi is the CBF’s Associate Director of Advocacy, Innovation, & Training. Roya plays a key role in the CBF’s mission through her work on legislative and policy advocacy, innovation initiatives, and the CBF Legal Aid Academy.An alumna of the JEP, Roya owned and ran... Read More →
avatar for Stacey Weiler

Stacey Weiler

Director of Grants and Access to Justice Programs, Illinois Bar Foundation
Friday September 20, 2024 11:05am - 12:20pm MDT
Flynn Room (6500)

1:30pm MDT

(Re)traumatization and access to justice: the correlation between trauma experiences and civil legal problems, and what can be done to mitigate retraumatization
Friday September 20, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm MDT
Research demonstrates that people who have experienced trauma — specifically a past arrest, domestic violence, and/or sexual assault— experience a greater likelihood of having an employment problem, a family structure problem, and a debt problem, regardless of what point in their life they experienced this trauma. Trauma experiences and their impact on civil justice needs and access to legal problem solving help are often not part of the access to justice conversation. Further, interaction with the civil justice system can be a (re)traumatizing experience itself. This session will discuss the existing trauma justice gap research, the need for more, and what actional steps that legal practitioners can take to mitigate the risk of trauma exposure response and retraumatization in legal help settings with or without human help.

Sign in here: https://forms.gle/AqxAsu3NqA6c6cHy5


Cayley Balser

Professor of Practice, Service Impact Area Lead, Innovation for Justice

Erin Weaver

Professor of Practice, Structure Impact Area Lead, Innovation for Justice
Friday September 20, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm MDT
Flynn Room (6500)

2:55pm MDT

Content Management With 1000+ Forms
Friday September 20, 2024 2:55pm - 3:55pm MDT
In this session, we will delve into the challenges and strategies of managing 1000+ forms and complex guided interviews that require regular updates due to legislative changes, user experience findings, and stakeholder feedback. We will discuss how to integrate change as an ongoing business practice and showcase technology strategies we use to manage content.

Sign in here: https://forms.gle/BQQuBw38hbYZfmJPA
avatar for Pleasy Wayas

Pleasy Wayas

Self-Help Center/Forms Attorney, Utah State Courts

Kaden Taylor

Utah State Courts Law Librarian, Utah State Law Library, Utah State Courts
I am the law librarian for the Utah State Courts. In addition to running the law library, I also take part in the Forms Committee for the Utah Courts, and I am charged with maintaining the database of court forms.
avatar for Jonathan Mark

Jonathan Mark

MyPaperwork Program Manager, Administrative Office of the Courts | Utah Courts
Friday September 20, 2024 2:55pm - 3:55pm MDT
Flynn Room (6500)
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